Hustle or Hassle, THAT is the Question!


Peace All!

Yes. Hustle or hassle? Lately I have been pondering this question, OFTEN! If you follow my blog somewhat regularly you may know that I am a night owl. I am up most nights and days and average about 5 hours of sleep. I don’t say this proudly, I would actually love to get a good night’s rest like anybody else but it’s how things get done. I have a lot of ideas and my  products come from those ideas and so it takes time to figure it out, source it out and then bring it out.

I had the idea a few years ago that I wanted to do these maxi dresses. I thought…how hard could it be to find them, they’re everywhere, Right?! Ummm, wrong! The right cut, quality, colors & prices seemed impossible to find…so eventually I decided to have them made. That was a whole other mission finding the right seamstress, minimum quantities & the whole shabang! So, since then I have been on a mission to get the perfect maxi dresses to print my designs on and YAAAAAYYYYYYY! I found them! YEAH!! lol Just in time for the Summer!  So all of the all-nighters have paid off, FINALLY!

Every night that I’ve spent online searching and searching and not finding, was not in vain. Sometimes that is what it takes.. that’s the hustle part! It was tiring and at times discouraging BUT I knew that if I found them, that it would be worth it. That I would be offering something new & special. The way my customers Love rockin’ my t-shirts, I knew that they would look Beautiful and So FLY Rockin’ my dresses! It’s easy to get caught up in logistics when you work online. Only sometimes do I see the outcome beyond the sale. Then I’ll get an email, or read a comment from a Woman who has received her order and she’s ecstatic! She will say how much she loves it and how it fits her perfectly. Some people even take the time to send me a picture. It’s usually then that see an impact and I realize that I brought someone a little happiness, I helped reinforce someone’s self esteem & confidence.

This is what I know for sure…that when you have a deep desire to do something, that it is God using little, old you for a greater purpose in this lifetime. The work that we do and the degree that we put our whole heart into it, is bigger than us. It can benefit others in great & small ways and that is important to me. So it’s no hassle in my mind, because I don’t sleep on my dreams, I HUSTLE ON!

Check out my New Maxi Dresses here:

Have a Great One, Yes Lioness! WWW.YESLIONESS.COM


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Meanwhile In the Lioness Den…


Peace Y’all!

Long time no blog! It’s been more than a minute and it is good to be back ’round these parts again! My writing is sacred to me in that it takes more time & self reflection. It’s not as easy for me to write on my blog as it is for me to snap a pic on Instagram or upload an illustration on Facebook. My time has been spent largely with administrative duties and keeping things running smoothly. In the dictionary Art comes before email and orders but at Yes Lioness.Com…not so much.

I have spent this year and much of last year restructuring Yes Lioness.Com in terms of management and priorities. I have reduced my inventory by almost half in order to focus more on quality versus quantity. This has helped tremendously in my mission to provide better customer service as well as my never ending quest for some “free time” aka A LIFE. lol

I have been creating more illustrations and working on new t-shirt designs that reflect the new direction that I am taking artistically and personally. I am excited about so many projects that I am working on right now such as my greeting card line, relaunching my Yoga Apparel line and the maxi dresses which will be out very soon!

Just wanted to send you a shout out and let you know what has been keeping me away for so long! I’m BAAACK! ♥

Peace & Prosperity…                                                                                                                                                                 Yes Lioness!                                                                                                                                                                             WWW.YESLIONESS.COM


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Happy February AND Black History Month!


Peace All!

I celebrate Blackness Everyday, however I still like to highlight Black History Month as a way of shining a spotlight and putting a special emphasis on all things Afrikan and Black. I began to to embrace my cultural heritage as a teenager and it has shaped who I am, how I live and of course my work. When I was growing up it seemed that much of the artistic representations that I was exposed to were from another time. I felt a strong sense of duty to represent my generation and introduce the world to a fresh and modern depiction of African people. I wanted the characters that I drew and painted to look like me and the people I saw every day. So by the age of 14 years old, I decided that that was my mission!

Since then, my love for my culture has only deepened and I feel that the need for this work has become increasingly necessary due to the state of Black people and the ceaseless defamation of our character and humanity in all forms of media. We must love ourselves, have high self worth and know who we are. My purpose is to embed these ideals into each and every image I create and instill a strong sense of pride and respect into the minds of all those who lay eyes upon my work.

To me, Black History Month is not 28 days long, it is 365 days of every year FOREVER! Yes, I Love My Self, I Love My People and I Love Creating Art. This is my gift and my legacy.

Abundant Blessings,

M.Borgella (Owner/Aritist)                                                                                                                 http://WWW.YESLIONESS.COM                                                                                                                                                 Shop:

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*Shop Clearance on The “Dawta” Off The Shoulder Sweatshirt Only $19.99!!!! At WWW.YESLIONESS.COM!

The “Dawta” Off the Shoulder Sweatshirt Reg. Price $32.99 Only $19.99 Until 1/31/15!!!!


SHOP HERE: sweatshirt by



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I’m a Dreamer…

This is for the Dreamers…

“We are the ones who envision a reality better than the one we currently see. We keep on believing, keep on hoping and keep on doing even when we want to give up. We know that there is so much more for us in store. Even when things look there worst, we summon our will and continue forward. We are cut from the cloth of faith and that is a magic cloth. We hold it as we pray and we cover with it when we get cold. We are the dreamers and it is that fire that burns within us that fuels us and illuminates our way. When things seem dark it is our own light that we see.”

~ © Yes Lioness Copyright 2015

May Your Biggest Most Beautiful Dreams Come True! Happy 2015!

Dreamer Copyright WWW.YESLIONESS.COM 2015

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Happy Holidays!
Shop Here: holiday banner

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Happy Monday Y’all!

If you missed the Black Friday sale you can still catch our “Cyber Monday” Free Shipping discount!!!


*Shop Here:


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Small Business…


Peace All,

Yesterday was “Small Business” Saturday and it was a great success! It also had me thinking about whether I really liked the term “Small” Business? So I’ve redefined it.

Small Business- “Small” meaning independent, from the heart, not motivated by money but by service. Yet large, in terms of positive impact in people’s everyday lives. Massive actually, in terms of a legacy of Love and light  in the form of Art. “Business” meaning mission, purpose & calling.”

My working definition describes what I do EXACTLY! I create with the intention of sharing my higher self and positive energy. Every image, makes me smile and that is what I want it to do when others see it. If not a smile than a call for reflection or maybe deep feeling of resonance. I used to teach children Art for a living because I wanted children to know the joy of self expression and to honor it. Now I own my own business because for me, Art has is not as much about the skill of making Art in of itself but a way of exploring my heart & mind, doing something new, stretching myself and rising to the occasion (a little quiet time away is always good too!) This is how my business came about. Spending countless hours on my love of this thing called ART that I realized also brings joy to other people. And one day I thought, “This is all I want to do…what better way to make a living than this???” So that was the beginning of this small business.

I know that there are many people who own a small business as a side hustle, to make extra money or as a hobby. My Art is none of those things. My Art is my life’s work and if you like it, you can buy it, that’s the business aspect. But there isn’t anything small about that! I aspire to greatness and the only thing small about me is my dress size 😉

Anyway…I can never say THANK YOU enough. I can never say thank you enough to the people who support me, You are a Blessing and may you also Be Blessed!

Sincerely,                                                                                                                                                                                                       Yes Lioness!                                                                                                                                                                                                 WWW.YESLIONESS.COM

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The Journey, The Lessons & Very Little Sleep…

Peace Yall,

14 - 1

It’s 2:44am and of course, I am UP. I am a night owl. For me, it’s the best time to work. No phone calls, no e-mails and no distractions. Not rushing to give the mailman my packages or doing laundry.Just me. Relaxed but focused.This year has FLOWN BY! I have tackled issues great & small concerning both home life and my business. House repairs & printing nightmares, oh my! It gets hectic at times. But It’s all about Priorities, Organization and Clarity. I can have all the vision and inspiration I want but without a disciplined strategy and plan of action…one word prevails…STRESS.

Ya see, only part of the dream is to have a successful business. The bigger goal is to have a successful life. Having the time and freedom to develop myself, enjoy life to the fullest and use my gifts to help others that are on a path of self discovery and purpose. Our lives are journeys and as Ram Dass said “We are all just walking each other home.” Ultimately, it is about our lives having meaning while we are here and the legacy we leave behind when we leave.

Yes, it’s definitely a challenge on a daily basis to get to the bottom of my to do list but who told me to have such a long to do list in the first place?! Sometimes, there is no balance. It’s everything all at once, right now. But these nights, I spend in solitude, chiseling away at the mountain of work I have created for myself, I still find my peace. I hope you do too.


Yes Lioness!


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